The conversions that allow the drawing are made with vectorial images and independent of the resolution, that is to say, no matter the size you apply it will always maintain a great quality and a sensation of a freshly painted drawing on the paper, which will give a great advantage in comparison with different tools existing in the market, in addition it has a quick change or quick functions, where you have more than 80 types of brushes compatible with a great amount of individual characteristics. The application also supports different advanced tools for resizing without quality loss. Manga Studio or Clip Studio Paint 5 is an editor that allows the creation of different illustrations designed especially for comics or Japanese mangas, with advanced features offers a high quality and variety of tools that can be used by both expert users and less experienced in the artistic design of any type of illustration.With integrated tools for the rapid creation of illustrations, but in turn are well optimized, users will have the ability to configure each of the accesses, pages and frames that can be used, this giving an ease or agility for the design and writing of both text and the implementation of painting and drawing creation in general.